H.A.C.K. Ticket Vending Machine
Camp++ 0x7e8
- Although the notes field is not required to fill, please fill it with what you can contribute to the event.
- Name and e-mail address are required to fill, we'll display your ticket right away and send you a link in e-mail that you can use to retrieve your ticket later.
- Use the notes to inform us if you'd like to bring something big or need some other specialty.
- You don't have to put your legal name, you can use a nickname instead. You can also use any e-mail address you'd like, even a disposable one.
- Your data will be saved on a server located in Budapest, Hungary, and will only be used in conjuction with Camp++ 0x7e8 by the organizers. All data will be destroyed until 2024-08-11 when the event ends.